14 October 2015
9:15 – 17:00
St Albans House Enterprise Centre, St Albans Road, Stafford, ST16 3DR.
Staffordshire Business Environment Network (sben)
The event
As last year’s City & Guilds and IEMA environmental sustainability training days were so successful our member, sben, have decided to run them again. IEMA, the professional body for the environment in the UK, have launched their ‘All Jobs Greener’ campaign with a suite of City & Guilds training courses designed to embed environmental sustainability across the workforce. sben have teamed up with ESP, whg and the Skills Centre to deliver courses for our members. ESP will be delivering another IEMA approved full-day course which will explain the upcoming changes to ISO 14001. Dave Chesters of Track Training Services (UK) will provide advice as to how to successfully engage top management on a range of issues, in light of the additional requirements for leaders under the new standard. Previous comments: “Informative, clear, to the point, interactive – not death by PowerPoint!” There are just 12 places available – reserve yours now!
Booking and further information
For more information and booking details, please visit the sben website.