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IEMA STS Certified ‘Making the Transition to ISO 14001:2015’ – 15/3/16


15 March 2016


09:30 – 17:00, including lunch


St Albans House Enterprise Centre, St Albans Rd, Stafford, ST16 3DR.


Staffordshire Business Environmental Network (sben).

The event

sben member, ESP Ltd, will be delivering IEMA’s approved full-day course which will explain all of the new requirements for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) featured in the newly published ISO 14001:2015 standard. Aimed at individuals who are responsible for implementing or maintaining an (EMS) based on ISO 14001. This advanced training will give you the knowledge of the changes to the 14001 standard, enabling your organisation to be amongst the first to adapt its Environmental Management System to encompass the requirements of the new standard and demonstrate excellence in environmental performance. Objectives of the course are to:

  • equip participants with an understanding of the changes in ISO 14001:2015 and their implications
  • equip participants to help their organisations prepare for and make the transition
  • encourage participants to take the opportunity provided by the revision of ISO 14001 to re-invigorate their EMSs.

CPD – Level 5 equivalent and IEMA Environmental Skills Map – Managerial Level As part of this course, delegates will receive a specific Gap Analysis tool to assist with the planning, management and transition to the updated standard, as well as a workbook which details all of the major changes and additional requirements in full. Additional value is brought to the course with the guest input of Dave Chesters of Track Training Services (UK). Dave will provide advice as to how to successfully engage top management on a range of issues, in light of the additional requirements for Leaders under the new standard. sben members get a 15% discount –  the discounted price is £282.55 (including vat & Eventbrite fees)Non-member fee is £332.25.

Booking and further information

There are just 12 places available, so hurry and reserve your place via sben’s websitePlease quote SBEN15 (capital letters) to apply your discount.

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