12 September 2014
08:30 – 14:00
Aston University, European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI), Seminar Room, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET.
BioenNW with representatives of West Midlands LEPs.
The event
This event aims to exchange information on our respective offers to businesses and will allow those involved to discuss funding available through the LEP’s, opportunities with Horizon 2020, LEP development areas and support/research available via EBRI so that we can work closer together. View the BioenNW Information Exchange agenda. Following the above event, we are planning a series of business breakfast meetings in collaboration with individual West Midlands LEPs and Aston to promote funding and support available to local businesses interested in bioenergy development. Details to follows.
Booking and further information
Please contact Christelle Harrison, Bioenergy Support Network Manager, European Bioenergy Research Institute on 0121 204 5318 or email at