30 January
07:30 – 09:00 or 09:30 – 13:00
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Coventry, United Kingdom
Innovate UK and British Business Bank
The event
The ability to exploit new ideas, technologies, processes or business models ahead of the competition can bring big rewards in a world that is rapidly changing. The UK government has recognised this for many years and has been increasing the support to businesses wanting to innovate and grow. Accessing this support, however, can still be confusing and complex. That’s why the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK, and the British Business Bank have come together to help you. Reasons to attend this event
- To help you understand where to go for innovation funding and practical advice on what is available
- You’ll get expert insight into future trends
- Connect with potential collaborators
- Access to expert business advisers
- Understand what is required in writing a successful grant application.
Booking and further information
More informationabout the event and to book a place at either the ‘fast track’ breakfast event or the morning session and lunch.