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International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility Symposium 2024


24 June 2024


10:00 – 16:00


Room C14, Monica Partridge Building, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD


Nottingham University

ICCSR Symposium 2024

The Event

The Politics of CSR: What’s next?

Keynote Speaker:  Professor Jeremy Moon (Copenhagen Business School)

Practitioner Speaker:  Simon Graham (De Courcy Alexander Ltd, London)

The understanding and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved over the last century from a limited to an expanded view of the role of business in society. This evolution has been shaped by historical, social-economic and political events, including the adoption of mandatory CSR (and sustainability/ESG) regulations that reflect ever-changing societal expectations of the social responsibilities and accountabilities of firms.  The idea of social responsibility is inherently political in nature. CSR is constructed differently by various stakeholders in light of their contested expectations of business and the role business actors should play in societal governance beyond the narrow economic ‘can do good’ (make money) by ‘doing good’ (acting responsibly) philosophy. This symposium brings together academics and practitioners to share and discuss the politics of responsibility, accountability and justice, and shape the future agenda for business and society scholarship. This event will also see the launch of a new CSR Encyclopedia: see Concise Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (e-elgar.com) edited by members of the ICCSR namely, Lee Matthews, Lara Bianchi and Claire Ingram. For planning purposes, the organisers kindly request you to confirm your attendance by completing this registration form https://forms.office.com/e/R5vCFYbsYv no later than Friday 14 June 2024. 


10.00 am      Arrival

10.15 am      Welcome & Opening remarks

10.25 am      The meaning and politics of being responsible

10.45 am      A practitioners’ perspective on the politics of responsibility

11.00 am       Coffee break

11.30 am      Roundtable on Responsibility, Accountability and Justice

1.00 pm        Networking lunch

2.00 pm        Future directions: The implications for CSR scholarship and practice

3.30 pm        Launch of the Concise Encyclopedia of CSR

4.00 pm        End of event


For planning purposes, the organisers kindly request you to confirm your attendance no later than 14 June. 

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