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Introduction to Waste Awareness – 9/10/14


9 October 2014


09:00 – 13:00


Business Solutions Development Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, University of Wolverhampton, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton, WV10 9RT.


National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP)

The event

This awareness event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and is FREE OF CHARGE to SMEs based in the West Midlands region. The half day event includes an introductory session on the basic principles of resource efficiency.  This is then followed by a more detailed guidance session on how businesses can carry out an internal resource audit, including process mapping, characterising different resource streams and types and prioritising resource availability or demand. It give you the opportunity to:

  • Cut costs on raw materials and waste disposal
  • Move by-products up the value chain
  • Develop a standardised approach to collecting data on waste resources;
  • Prioritise data according to your business needs;
  • Practice resource efficiency techniques;
  • Use tools such as process mapping to identify wasted resources, and
  • Develop an environmental management system or waste auditing system.

  Delegates will be provided with a practical toolkit enabling them to go back to their respective companies and make a start on becoming more resource efficient. Each delegate will also receive a free follow-up site visit from one of our specialist practitioners to help with identifying opportunities to reduce costs, before being invited to one of our renowned ‘Resource Match-Making’ workshops in order to find a home for underused or undervalued resource streams.

Booking and further information

Places are limited, so please register your interest early to secure your place. Businesses can register interest on-line via www.nispnetwork.com.  You will be asked to complete a short registration form. To register your interest, visit NISP’s website. Alternatively, phone 01902 321272 or email enquiries@wolverhamptonbsc.com.

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