06 February 2024
10:00 – 11:30
Local Government Association (LGA)

The Event
This roundtable has been organised to focus on how councillors have a role in the delivery of sustainability and net zero projects that aim to meet decarbonisation targets.
It will feature ‘spotlight on’ talk from a member of the LGA, that has experience and insights on leading councils on their sustainability journey before the roundtable discussion.
This roundtable is open to and will benefit all councillors leading or working on the sustainability, climate change and environment agenda.
There is a registration form to participate. Please note that there are limited spaces for these roundtables. When full, additional councils will be placed on a waiting list.
This sustainability roundtable is delivered by the LGA, funded by and, in partnership with the Crown Commercial Service.
For more information on the Sustainability Programme please contact
Sound good? Register your place.