03 April 2025
10:00 – 11:30
Local Government Association

The Event
Over the last decade, the focus from central government has been to establish the policy required to facilitate the move from a predominantly fossil based energy system, to a low carbon energy system which will generate electricity from renewables (wind and solar predominantly).
This means that space heating, both domestic and commercial, will be 70-80 per cent from electric sources (heat pumps) and 20-30 per cent heat networks (using waste heat e.g. energy from waste plants, data centres or large heat pumps).
As this agenda evolves under the new government, local authorities need to be at the centre of the UK’s energy transition by baselining energy overviews, developing plans for local area energy and heat networks and working with the National Energy System Operator (NESO) and the emerging Regional Energy Strategic Plans (RESPs).
Our Speakers will focus on how councils are coordinating work within their local energy systems to ensure they have a local and regional vision for their energy needs to achieve net zero targets.
This sustainability virtual event is delivered by the LGA, funded by and, in partnership with the Crown Commercial Service.
For more information on the Sustainability Programme please visit the website or get in touch via
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