Tuesday 26 February
10am – 3.30pm (including lunch)
MADE, 7 Newhall Square, Birmingham, B3 1RY
Sustainability West Midlands in association with the Environment Agency and Climate UK
Health & Wellbeing Boards and those working within public health, social care and the health service. This includes representation from those engaged in the delivery of health and social care, business planning, local commissioning, resilience planning, sustainability and environmental management.
The event itself
The Environment Agency and Climate UK are hosting a national programme of local workshops during February and March 2013 as part of the Climate Ready support service. These events focus on helping Health & Wellbeing Boards to realise their objectives in a changing climate.
The aims of the event are:
- To demonstrate the links between climate change, health and wellbeing, and the importance of adaptation
- To explain how to embed the principles of adaptation into Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies
- To provide tools and guidance to develop adaptation actions for your organisation
Why you should attend:
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 establishes Health & Wellbeing Boards as a forum where leaders from the health and social care system work to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and target the reduction of health inequalities.
Responses to climate change at the local level will be vital in protecting the health and wellbeing of local communities, as well as building resilience internally. There will be widespread benefits for those who take action early on. A well-adapted health service and public health & social care system will be better prepared to cope with severe weather events, and better placed to embrace opportunities for positive health outcomes in an uncertain climate.
By attending, you will have the opportunity to explore the impacts of climate change in your local area and help empower you to take action in order to increase resilience and protect business continuity.
There will be a strong and experienced group of speakers and facilitators present at each event to draw out the issues, debate the evidence and help raise proportionate, constructive joint outcomes.
This will include how to build climate change adaptation into Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.
Common issues will be collated and feedback to the chairs of Health & Wellbeing Boards.
How to attend
To book your place at this free event or for more information contact Anisha Chandar, 0121 237 5890 with your name, organisation, job title and any dietary or access requirements.