This event is part of the West Midlands Local Authority Low Carbon Economy Programme, delivered by Sustainability West Midlands on behalf of Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands, a programme of support for local authorities to take practical actions to reduce costs, generate income, and promote low-carbon economic growth and job opportunities.
Presentations and notes from this event are now available to download on the right hand side of this page.
Wednesday 6 July 2011
9am – 2pm
Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre
Sustainability West Midlands
Target audience
Attendance at the summit is open to West Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership board members and Local Authority elected Leaders and portfolio holders, Chief Executives and Directors or Heads of Service with a responsibility for economic development, business support and sustainable development.
The event itself
- Understand the opportunities for businesses in your area from the low carbon economy through efficiencies and developing new market opportunities.
- Find out how Low Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are progressing in the West Midlands and what are they doing to support the low carbon economy.
- Explore what more LEPs and Local Authorities could be doing to support the low carbon economy in the West Midlands.
Dr Simon Slater, SWM and John Polychronakis, Chief Executive of Dudley MBC introduced the event.
Steve Owen, SWM will demonstrate through various research the risks and opportunities of the low carbon economy. He will also discuss the possible roles of local enterprise partnerships for developing the West Midlands’ low carbon economy.
Alan Taylor, DENSO presented the results of their efficiency measures focusing on their Telford plant. Dean Walton, Alumet System UK and Lee Summers, EOS Energy discussed how building facade company Alumet Systems UK diversified to create renewables installation company EOS Energy.
We will be hearing from representatives of the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP, Worcestershire LEP and Coventry and Warwickshire LEP about their strategic priorities and their support for the low carbon agenda.
How do you attend this event
To register for this free event, please email (tel 0121 237 5890) with your name, job title/role and any access and dietary requirements. You will receive an email to confirm your place. There are 2 places per authority in the West Midlands. Please confirm your attendance by Wednesday 22 June.