1 September 2016
13:00 – 13:45
UtilitywiseThe event
With the right strategy, manufacturers like you can reveal hidden savings in your energy bills using smart controls. As the manufacturing industry becomes ever smarter and more connected, new opportunities are available to better control your energy and water use. SWM member, Utilitywise is urging manufacturers to optimise their operations. To find out how, join their webinar. They will explain how manufacturing 4.0 – the fourth wave of industry – can transform how the sector manages energy and water use. By connecting to the Internet of Things (IoT), using smart technology, they can show you how taking a joined up approach to utilities management can help you cut wastage, improve efficiency and lower your energy and water bills. During the webinar they will also discuss energy buying strategies, how to make the most of carbon compliance and opportunities to make further savings by switching water supplier when the market opens next year.
Booking and further information
For registration, click here, or to read Utilitywise’s blog about the webinar, click here.