17 October
09:30 – 16:30
NTU Conference Centre. Adams Room, 30 Burton St, Nottingham, NG1 4BU
Nottingham City Council
The Event
This conference is for EU Cities and UK Local Authorities working on reducing their carbon emissions. In particular, those officers responsible for supporting regeneration, smart cities, setting climate change targets and associated interventions. The conference will discuss the importance of integrated local action to deliver the scale of change required to respond to the global climate emergency.
Nottingham City Council’s Energy Services will be hosting a REMOURBAN Conference showcasing Nottingham’s 2028 carbon neutrality aspiration. The Conference will look at Nottingham’s approach to be the first UK carbon neutral city. Other aspects will include:
- Sustainable transport
- Innovative models for energy efficient buildings and the road ahead
- Implementing the REMOURBAN smart cities and carbon reduction programme
- Workshop: SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction)
- SCATTER is a free tool that allows local authorities to access their greenhouse gas emissions and build pathways for emissions reduction.
- The need for a municipal action in carbon reduction
- Sharing insights on the process of adopting a Smart City approach and its link to carbon reduction
- Panel debate on the role of municipalities in supporting global carbon reduction efforts and the benefits this can bring
More Information and Booking
To register for the conference
please click here.