The first two topic areas of the 2016 Calls for Proposals for Horizon 2020 Energy are now open. Horizon 2020 Energy, with a budget of around €6bn over the period 2014 – 2020, is the EU’s Research and Innovation grant funding Programme for energy technology research, development, demonstration and removing market barriers. The 2016 Calls have a total budget of over €500m and will cover a range of technology areas including energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, smart grids and smart cities. For further information, visit the Government’s website. One of the objectives of Horizon 2020 is to increase industrial engagement in projects. UK organisations can participate in a number of ways: lead (coordinate) a project, be a participant in a consortium, or provide the demonstration facilities for a technology. Whichever way you choose to participate you need to start early to develop a competitive proposal. Proposals will usually involve a minimum of three organisations from three different Member States or Associated Countries. Support available for UK organisations: EU Energy Focus is the UK‘s National Contact Point (NCP) Service for Energy. It is a free UK Government-funded service, that aims to ensure that UK companies, research institutions and other organisations are well informed and have every chance of success in applying for and securing European funding for energy-related projects. The service includes one-to-one discussion of proposal ideas, review of draft proposals and applying the learning from the previous Horizon 2020 Energy Calls. Further information on the EU Energy Focus website.
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