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New Opportunities for SMEs to reduce energy – 22/7/14


22 July 2014


08:30 – 10:30


Engineering and Computing Building for Coventry University, Gulson Road, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2JH.



The event

This is a breakfast meeting on 22nd July at Coventry University targeted at manufacturing companies in the West Midlands to present new opportunities available in purchasing, managing and reducing energy for your site/s. Energy costs have a significant impact on business profitability, particularly in the case of manufacturing SMEs. A range of new smart technologies to optimise existing manufacturing processes and funding incentives to drive potential savings are now available, and Encraft can help manufacturing companies unlock these. The breakfast meeting will showcase where reductions can be made, including measures which do not entail a large capital outlay. The funding opportunities available to West Midlands-based SMEs to reduce energy costs will also be presented at the meeting.

Booking and further information

For further information and to book a place at this limited spaces event, please visit Encraft’s website.

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