9 September 2014
09.15 – 17.30
MIRA, Watling Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0TU.
The event
INTRASME partners invite you to the project final event in the UK. This 1-day event will enable partners to present main results of INTRASME project to an international audience including SMEs and innovation stakeholders from the four project regions. The UK event “New transport technologies and opportunities for SMEs” will be held at MIRA premises on 9th September 2014. The key objectives of this final event are: 1) Describe R&D support available to SMEs in Low Carbon Transport
- EU
- National
- Regional
- Best practices
- Collaboration
- Exploitation
- Investment
- Platform
- Regional Networks/ Business Incubator Centres
- Exchange best practice
- Success stories (in regions)
- Identify next steps
2) Mentor SMEs through the R&D support processes 3) Help SMEs connect to partners 4) Describe what INTRASME can do for SMEs 5) Foster regional cluster collaboration
Booking and further information
To book a place, please visit INTRASME’s website or download the INTRASME UK Event Draft Programme.