21 October 2015
9:00 – 13:30
CoREConference and Demonstrator Centre, Normacot Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 1PR.
Staffordshire Business & Environmental Network (sben) and Centre of Refurbishment Excellence (CoRE)
The event
SWM members, sben and CoRE are putting together an exciting agenda for an event around energy – more information to follow. This half-day event aims to bring together the expertise of the local energy efficiency and renewables industry with the businesses looking to reduce energy bills and become more efficient/sustainable in their energy use.
Brief outline:
- Keynote presenter: Richard Felgate, Chairman of Energy Managers Association (EMA) and Managing Director of EnStrat(UK)Ltd, who will present on ‘Reducing Energy Consumption – Where do we start?
- Hear about the ambitious new Keele University Project: SMART Energy Network Demonstrator [Centre of Excellence in Energy Security & Renewables] – an exciting opportunity for local energy supply chain businesses.
- Case studies to include LED lighting, low wattage hand-dryers and the Lawn Tennis Association.
- Meet local providers of goods and services in the Energy market place.
- Get to grips with the latest new technologies in energy efficiency and management.
Delegate Fee -£25 There is also an opportunity to exhibit in the ‘energy market place’ but only space for around 20 exhibitors. There is no charge for stand space – just the standard delegate fee for the event of £25 per person. If you are interested, please complete and return the sben-CoRE Exhibitors form 21.10.15.
Booking and further information
For further information, visit sben’s website or contact Gill Garner, sben Environmental Support Assistant on 01785 277379.