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Passivhaus and Low Carbon Building: Pioneering 2016 Standards 23/4/15


23 April 2015


09:30 – 14:00 including lunch (refreshments from 09:00)


Innovation Birmingham

, Faraday Wharf, Holt Street, Birmingham, B7 4BB.


Encraft and SWM

The event

In 2006 the Government committed that by 2016 all new homes and by 2019 all new non-domestic building would be ‘zero carbon’ in terms of their operating costs. Since then there have been many changes, but the commitment and challenge remains for the deep retrofit of existing buildings. Building on last year’s successful Encraft Building Physics Conference, this event aims to prepare you to meet the 2016 zero carbon standards by:

  • Understanding the most effective approach to deliver the standards for new domestic and non-domestic ‘zero carbon’ buildings and the challenge of existing stock
  • Making the business case add up
  • Ensuring the roles of planning, client, architect, contractor and technical quality assurance work together to deliver the outcomes you want

The event is aimed at decision-makers and technical experts involved in housing and building management such as planners, housing managers, asset managers, architects, and contractors. This event is part of a wider programme of events in 2015, so look out for more to come.

Booking and further information

The event is free to the public sector and £50 to all others.  Book online. Please contact events@encraft.co.uk or 0121 237 5890 for more information.


The agenda for the conference is available here.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship and exhibitor packages are available. Full details here.


Confirmed exhibitors include:




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