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Passivhaus Design and Principals – 26-27/10/17


26-27 October




Engineering, & Computing Building, Coventr

y University, Gulson Rd, Coventry, CV1 2JH


Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme: Low Carbon Business

The event

Passivhaus is a leading international low energy design standard for both domestic and non-domestic buildings. With over 20,000 buildings certified across Europe, it offers a robust, proven and cost-effective method to help the UK achieve its challenging carbon reduction targets for the built environment sector. Passivhaus requires a different approach to design, very high construction standards on site and often new products, creating opportunities across the supply chain for both contractors and manufacturing companies. Architects and other construction professionals all need to become acquainted with the approach and standards to ensure the UK and West Midlands region can compete internationally and deliver ambitious carbon reduction targets over the next 20 years. Passivhaus approaches are also simply good practice for energy efficient construction, so companies able to operate to Passivhaus standards will be apply to apply parts of the approach to other projects and secure competitive advantage on all the work they do. This workshop will give participants a working-level understanding of the Passivhaus standard, its embodiment of basic building physics and their application; the cost implication during the design, build, operation and whole life cycle; quality assurance, onsite delivery; and the certification process. Who Should Attend? This course will be aimed at SME housing associations, developers, architects, architectural technicians, energy assessors and consultants, M&E specialists, quantity surveyors, contractors and sub-contractors. Construction product manufacturers may also find the content a useful introduction. Learning Outcomes The learner will be able to:
  • Explain the key components of the Passivhaus standard
  • Describe the trajectory of Building Regulations and where the Passivhaus standard fits in this context
  • Describe how building physics determines the theoretical energy performance of buildings
  • Indentify and evaluate a range of strategies to reduce energy use in and carbon emissions from buildings
  • Critically evaluate the key strategies for creating a Passivhaus building
  • Describe the roles of different participants in the delivery of a Passivhaus building
  • Analyse the knowledge, skills and behaviours required of the team to deliver a Passivhaus building

Booking and further information

Refreshments throughout the day and a buffet lunch. This workshop is funded by ERDF and is free to SMEs in Coventry and Warwickshire – eligibility will be checked and confirmed at registration. Register now! Book your tickets here.

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