13 March 2015
The Studio, Birmingham
Public Health England and UK Active
The event
Addressing physical inactivity is a national priority, and we know from international, national and local work that a strategic, cross-sector approach is required to address this increasing problem. It is critical that this approach is taken to effectively engage with key stakeholders to join up the areas that contribute to, and gain from, improved health and wellbeing through physical activity. The event will cover: • How implementation of the domains within the evidence based Everybody Active Every Day can improve local outcomes • Update on the latest national policy developments from ukactive, Public Health England, the CSPN and a host of other national agencies • Local examples of good practice and the potential for partnership working The SWM WM Sustainability and Public Health Network will also be promoted at the event – go along to find out more!
Booking and further information
Click hereto book.