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Planning for the Low Carbon Economy: Introduction for local authority officers – Shrewsbury

As part of the West Midlands Local Authority Low Carbon Economy Programme, Introductory Sessions for officers are being held in five locations across the West Midlands.  Officers are welcome to attend the most convenient session:



Friday 4 November

Time for all the above events

9.30am – 4.00pm with registration from 9am.


Shropshire Council


Abbey Foregate





URSUS Consulting on behalf of Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands and Sustainability West Midlands

Target Audience

These are aimed at officers working in areas such as planning, development management, building control, climate change and energy (though any officer is welcome to attend).

All events are offered free of charge to Local Authority officers and please forward this email to interested colleagues.

Planning officers already well-versed in the implications of climate change for planning policy and practice, or experienced in handling low-carbon planning applications, are very welcome to attend , and share their experience with others,  but may wish to attend only the in-depth sessions to be held in November and December (details to follow).

The event itself

The introductory sessions for Local Authority officers will give an overview of the role of planning in the development of a low carbon and well-adapted area. These will provide an introduction to planning for low carbon developments, catering for those with relatively little prior knowledge and those with some existing knowledge. 

The Introductory sessions will cover:

  • Impacts of climate change and mitigation and adaptation opportunities
  • UK carbon reduction targets and what they mean
  • Supporting low carbon development through the planning process – policies, evidence and applications
  • The principles of low carbon design
  • An overview of low carbon energy supply technologies
  • An overview of adaptation methods
  • The economic implications of climate change requirements
  • Examples of good practice planning policy
  • Toolkits, help available and useful sources of information.


How do you attend this event

To register to attend, fill in the booking form.

Contact Information

If you would like any further information please contact Steve Owen (stephen.owen@ursusconsulting.co.uk, Tel: 07720 416 356) or Fran Gilbert (fran.gilbert@swm.org.uk, Tel: 0121 237 5890).

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