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Reducing Energy Costs Workshop for SMEs – 3/12/14


3 December 2014


09:00 – 12:00


Wolverhampton Business Development Centre, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton Science Park, West Midlands WV10 9RT


Wolverhampton Business Solutions Centre

The event

This event will allow SMEs to learn how to reduce their energy costs and receive a free environmental and energy audit to help them to implement real improvements.For companies that are in the manufacturing sector, “the challenges around managing energy consumption will only intensify in the years to come and doing nothing is not an option for businesses that want to thrive,” says Steve Barker, Head of Energy Efficiency and Environmental Care at Siemens.The workshop will demonstrate how to:

  • Understand and reduce energy costs through a structured approach to monitoring and targeting real improvements.
  • Use the information you have to negotiate the best rate for your supplies.
  • Encourage your workforce to reduce energy and waste.

The workshop will include case studies from companies who have successfully tackled their growing energy bills and improved their overall efficiency levels at the same time. Participants in the workshop can also benefit from a free environmental and energy audit to identify and quantify the opportunities within their own businesses. The event is free for Black Country SMEs in the manufacturing sector.

Booking and further information

More information is available here and to register, click here.

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