4 DecemberTime
09:00 – 13:00Location
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQOrganiser
Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management
The Event
Heat Networks have been proven around the world as a reliable, cost-effective and low carbon means of providing heat, yet in the UK just 2% of buildings are heated in this way. The Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP) has been set up to provide £320m of funding to support the development of heat network projects and to foster the creation of a self-sustaining heat networks market. HNIP is open to fund a wide range of potential heat networks projects and we encourage low carbon heat networks. A vital role to play in achieving Net Zero: Under the Committee on Climate Change’s core Net Zero scenario, around 5 million homes across the UK need to be connected to heat networks by 2050. Building on the pathway set out by HM Government’s Clean Growth Strategy which suggested that around one in five buildings will have the potential to access a largely low carbon district heat network by 2050. Reducing carbon through £320m HNIP funding: All Heat Network schemes funded by HNIP today must be lower carbon than the counterfactual heating solution and have the capability to further decarbonise in the future. Learn more about the role of renewable heat for Heat Networks and applicability within HNIP: Renewable heating technologies offer the means to capture heat from energy which is all around us, underground, in the air or water, from the sun, or from waste sources. This theatre style half day conference will be exploring the opportunity to integrate renewable heating technology with heat networks, taking an international perspective through case studies and the IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programme, and a local focus by looking at the funding available through HNIP for heat network schemes in England and Wales. Confirmed speakers include:- BEIS – Heat Networks Delivery Unit
- Dr Andrew Cripps, Regional Director, sustainability at AECOM on behalf of the Heat Networks Investment Project
- Dr Richard Hall, CTO Energy Transitions on behalf of the International Energy Agency’s Solar Heating and Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme and the Solar Trade Association
- Roger Hitchin on behalf of the International Energy Agency’s Heat Pump Technology Collaboration Platform
- Robin Wiltshire, Technical Director, Buildings Research Establishment (BRE) on behalf of the International Energy Agency’s District Heating Technology Collaboration Platform
- Dr Anton Ianakiev, Professor in Sustainable Energy Systems, Nottingham Trent University