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Severn Trent Climate Change Adaptation Workshop – 25/2/15


25 February 2015


09:30 – 13:00 then networking lunch


Severn Trent Centre, 2 Saint John’s Street, Coventry CV1 2LZ.  A map is located here and parking options can be downloaded here.


Sustainability West Midlands and Severn Trent Water

The event

Click here

 to download an agenda. This is an opportunity for you feed into Severn Trent’s climate change adaptation plans and by attending you will:

  1. Understand from Sustainability West Midlands the context of climate change adaptation and associated challenges and opportunities
  2. Hear from Severn Trent on our current progress with climate change adaptation
  3. Feed into the early stages of our Climate Change Adaptation Report and discussion around our approach – identify any gaps/ improvement opportunities

A detailed agenda and further details will follow shortly. Background: Severn Trent is currently in the process of refreshing our Climate Change Adaptation Report, and will be reporting to DEFRA in summer 2015. We would like to invite you to a workshop to share our current ideas and progress in terms of climate change adaptation, and get your input into this project. We provided our first Climate Change Adaptation Report in 2010, and are now refreshing this in light of changes during the last 5 years and the actions we are taking to become more resilient to the changing weather in order to be able to continue to supply our customers. Many of you were involved in our largest engagement exercise for PR14 – we found this feedback really valuable and want to continue to build on this engagement. This workshop will be interactive and offer opportunities for discussion.

Booking and further information

This is a free event with booking online.  Please note that once registration is complete, your details will be held in SWM’s contact management system and shared with Severn Trent for the purposes of this event only. For information, please contact Adaptation@severntrent.co.uk.

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