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Smart Systems and Heat – 2/7/15


2 July 2015


16:00 – 17:30


Gisbert Kapp Building, Lecture Theatre 2, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmngham, B15 2TT.


Birmingham Energy Institute

The event

The Birmingham Energy Institute is delighted to invite you to attend a seminar by Jeff Douglas, Strategy Manager, Energy Technologies Institute, on Smart Systems and Heat. Around 20% of the nation’s carbon emissions are generated by domestic heating. Analysis of the many ways the energy system might be adapted to meet carbon targets shows that the elimination of emissions from buildings is more cost effective than deeper cuts in other energy sectors such as transport. This effectively means that alternatives need to be found for domestic natural gas heating systems. This seminar will examine the two principal pathways towards the decarbonisation of domestic space and water heating. Jeff Douglas will discuss the challenges we face in displacing gas heating in a way that is acceptable to the consumer, and the possible market frameworks and national policies that would support a successful transition.

Booking and further information

For more information or to register online, please visit University of Birmingham’s website.

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