14 September 2021Time
Denise Coates Foundation Building Home Farm Drive Keele ST5 5NSOrganisers
Staffordshire County Council
The Event
As the UK prepares for COP26, our latest Staffordshire Ambassador Event focuses on the projects, developments and organisations who are leading the way in delivering sustainable and green practices, including nationally renowned projects at the very forefront of the Net Zero agenda. As a key driver of Staffordshire’s sustainability focus, Keele University is kindly hosting our very first in-person We Are Staffordshire Event. With presentations from:- Engie on the new community and transformation of Rugeley Power Station and Keele University’s very own Energy Park
- Keele’s Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) programme: a world-class demonstrator facility for smart energy research and development, supporting Staffordshire businesses; and
- a revolutionary eco-friendly thermal packaging business, Woolcool, whose Managing Director was recently recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to manufacturing and the environment