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Sustainability for SMEs – 11/6/19


11 June 2019


09:00 – 17:30


Moat House Hotel, Etruria Hall, Festival Way, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BQ


Staffordshire Business School, Staffordshire University

The event

Staffordshire Business School is pleased to announce a free interactive conference on sustainable accounting for SMEs for the Report ASAP project. The conference will feature:
  • Demonstrations of a free online tool for SMES to help with sustainability.
  • Workshops on different aspects of business sustainability delivered by experts.
  • Talks on where to get more help, e.g. networks, grants, loans or other business assistance.
  • Talks from businesses already implementing sustainability.
  • Great networking opportunities
Among a series of other speakers, SWM will be running a workshop at this event to discuss opportunities for SME’s, including funding and grants and will also deliver a short workshop to help SME’s identify their main problems and provide solutions.

Booking and further information

Places at the event can be booked onĀ eventbrite.

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