17 June 2014
09:15 – 12:15
Faraday Wharf, Innovation Birmingham Campus, Holt Street, Birmingham Science Park Aston, Birmingham, B7 4BB
UK BCSD & Jacobs
The event
This workshop aims to: – Demonstrate the role played by business in catalysing economic, social and environmental change. – Showcase sustainability in business strategy at operational level. – Illustrate the benefits of sustainable development and its role in business growth. – Promote a broader understanding of sustainable development and help catalyse viable behaviours in the wider community. – Practical implementation of sustainable strategy across key sectors: Energy efficiency; Workforce training and good practice dissemination; Waste Management (Closed-loop system). People who should attend include: Businesses and organisations from the public and third sectors; Directors and Senior Managers; HR specialists, Finance Managers, Operations Managers, representatives from Local Authorities, Health and Social Care, FE and HE managers and academics; community organisers.
Booking and further information
Please go to the Eventbrite page to book and for more information.