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Sustainable Building Design Principles – A Walking Tour – 18/10/18


18 October 2018




Coventry University, Engineering & Computing Building, Gulson Road, Coventry, CV1 2JH


Coventry & Warwickshire Green Business Programme: Low Carbon, Coventry University

The event

Join us on a tour of interesting buildings with green design features that are operated by Coventry City Council and Coventry University to discover and learn about the main principles of sustainable building design. We will cover natural ventilation, thermal mass, efficient space utilisation, renewable technology, district heating and refurbishment solutions for hard to treat buildings through practical case studies in buildings around the city. Coventry’s city centre, consists of buildings from many different periods, retrofitting them to the highest possible environmental standards is essential to increase energy efficiency and to cut carbon emissions. Delegates will be examining the business case for demolishing a building versus retrofitting, while being taken on a tour of the City to see first-hand examples of sustainable buildings making use of low carbon technologies. There will also be the opportunity to take advantage of one day free sustainable building design consultancy for those who attend to further develop or implement energy efficient technologies demonstrated during the tour. Refreshments and lunch will  be provided.

Booking and further information

This event is free to attend. For more information and booking, click here.

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