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SWM Health and Climate Adaptation Workshops – 4/11/14

The afternoon workshop is now fully booked. If you wish to be considered for the reserve list, please contact us via the details below. Limited places are available for the morning workshop.


4 November 2014


09:15 – 16:30



, 7 Newhall Square, Birmingham, B3 1RU



The event

This event is split into two halves, as follows: The morning workshop is for NHS and Hospital Estates Managers and will include the launch of the new West Midlands NHS Sustainability Network. The main focus will be on ensuring we can manage hospital overheating in light of an ageing building stock and a changing climate.  Presentations will including the impacts of overheating on patient care, along with methods to help manage overheating in hospital buildings. The afternoon workshop is for Public Health practitioners from local authorities, CCGs, Health & Wellbeing Boards and elsewhere.  It will focus on climate change adaptation and resilience and the benefits of embedding this into H&WB strategies and day to day operations.  It will also include the impacts of air pollution, increasing as a result of climate change, and the role that green infrastructure can play.  This event will also mark the official launch of the new West Midlands Sustainability and Public Health Network. Both workshops will contain interactive sessions and opportunities for networking. An agenda for both workshops is available here.

Booking and further information

This is event is restricted to the audiences outlined above, although all requests for attendance will be considered.  Delegates are also welcome to attend the whole day if both workshops are of relevance to them.  To book a place or for further information, please contact alan.carr@swm.org.ukPlease indicate if you would like to attend just the NHS Estates and Overheating (AM) workshop, just the Public Health and Adaptation (PM) workshop or both.

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