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The Birmingham Big Green Lunch – 7/6/14


7 June 2014


10:30 – 17:00


Birmingham Botanical Gardens Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR


Birmingham City Council

The event

The Big Lunch is an initiative started by the Eden Project that encourages people across the UK to come together for a few hours of food, friendship and fun. It aims to foster stronger, friendlier and greener minded communities where people start to share things, from conversation and ideas to skills and resources. We’ve added a green twist to our event to make it an educational and ethical event promoting sustainable lifestyles and behaviour change in a fun way as a greener Birmingham is a better city to live, work and eat in! For a second year, Birmingham is hosting a Big Green Lunch Event at the enchanting Birmingham Botanical Gardens. We are able to offer a reduced entrance fee for the day of £1 per adult (free entrance for under 16’s). Come and visit the beautiful gardens and glass houses whilst enjoying an entertaining, creative, educational, sustainable as well as tasty fun day out!

Booking and further information

Booking now closed.

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