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The Birmingham Big Green Lunch


Sunday 2 June


10am – 4pm


Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR


Birmingham City Council

The event itself

Birmingham is celebrating World Environment Week by hosting a Big Green Lunch Event at the Botanical Gardens.  The Big Lunch is an initiative started by the Eden Project that encourages people across the UK to come together for a few hours of food, friendship and fun.  It aims to foster stronger, friendlier, greener minded communities where people start to share things from conversation and ideas to skills and resources.

Local food suppliers and caterers will be serving up a selection of the rich diversity of food and flavours available in Birmingham.  On sale will be food prepared by Caribbean, Indian, Italian and Vegetarian chefs plus a Fairtrade tea and coffee stall.  The Love Food Hate Waste campaign will be showing people how to shop, store and prepare food more effectively to save money and waste. The Smoothie Bike will also be encouraging more exercise and the drinking of healthy, self prepared fruit juice.

How to attend and contact information

The event is free to attend.

For more information email the Sustainability Team at Birmingham City Council.

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