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The Physics of Low Carbon Building Design 27/2/14


27 February 2014*


Coventry University, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Gulson Road, Coventry, CV1 2JH


Sustainable Building Futures

The event

Current regulations require designers, contractors, and builders to deliver energy efficient, low impact buildings that provide healthy and comfortable environments in which to work and live. Decisions made at an early stage of the design of construction process can significantly affect how a building functions; both in terms of energy and cost, as well as environmental impact. The application of physical principles to the built environment – Building Physics plays a key role in striving to improve building performance and close the gap between design and reality. It is essential for building designers, assessors as well as end-users to always bear in mind that fundamental understanding of physics to deliver better building in sustainable construction. The course will provide a comprehensive insight into the complex relationships and interactions in the field of building physics. It is designed to give participants an overall understanding of the physics behind the building hygrothermal performance. The course is divided into two separate days.

How to book

Follow this link. * Attendance on both the 20 and 27 February is mandatory.

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