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The Regional and Global Economic and Environmental Contribution of Industries


09 May 2024


13:00 – 14:00


Business School, University of Birmingham, Room G05 University House, B15 2TY


University of Birmingham


The Event

Join Dr Grant Allan from the Department of Economics at the University of Strathclyde for a seminar on industry contributions to UK economic activity and their effect on emissions.

Dr Grant Allan will draw on research to explore two methods of understanding the amount of economic activity and emissions that different industries add to the economy:

  • The Hypothetical Extraction Method (HEM)
  • The Global Extraction Method (GEM)

Each provides a measure of the contribution of an industry to an economy by assuming the (hypothetical) case of that production being entirely removed.

Traditionally, the HEM approach – widely used in economic analysis of the contribution of industries at the national level – makes the assumption that previously produced demands are replaced by imports.

GEM, on the other hand, considers a fully global system in which lost production in one region will be entirely offset by increased production elsewhere. The extraction of one industry in a nation under GEM, therefore, changes the distribution but not the level of economic activity.

This seminar will explore how the level of regional and global emissions are applying GEM instead of HEM by analysing a set of global multiregional economic accounts.

Applying this analysis to industries in UK regions, Dr Grant Allan will show that the global emissions contribution of industries under GEM can be positive or negative, depending on the emissions-intensity of production and indirect global changes in economic activity.

GEM appears to offer an improvement relative to HEM for analysing the net global emissions contribution of industries.


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