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The role of business in scaling up community energy – 17/9/14


17 September 2014


15:00 – 16:00




Community Energy Coalition

The event

Join members of the Community Energy Coalition, Forum for the Future, Co-operative Energy and the Low Carbon Hub, for an exploration into the role of business in scaling up community energy. Government commissioned research concludes that by 2020, one million homes in the UK could be powered through communities invested in renewable power. But it will only happen with the right support. There is a real opportunity for businesses to help community energy reach this potential and reap the social, environmental and economic benefits of involvement. Join this webinar, chaired by Head of Energy at Forum for the Future, Will Dawson, to hear how businesses can get involved in this flourishing sector. Ramsay Dunning, general manager of Co-operative Energy, will set out how and why they are sourcing their power from community energy providers and Adriano Figueiredo, Operations Director of the Low Carbon Hub, will share how they are working with businesses to scale this local energy solution.

Booking and further information

To book tickets for this event, please visit the Community Energy Coalition’s website.

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