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UK Local Authorities delivering Smart Local Energy Systems: Digital and Data – 10/12/2020


10 December 2020






Energy Systems Catapult

The Event

Energy Systems Catapult is delivering the second of four local authority focused webinar-workshops, this time putting a spotlight on the digital and data challenges, including the tools and solutions available for local authorities to deliver Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) developments in their local areas. The event will open with a key note from a senior local authority leader The first part of this event will provide input and perspectives on the digital and data challenges, from leaders and organisations across the landscape including government (central and local), industry, academia, local communities and representatives from the Prospering from the Energy Revolution (PFER) projects. This session will conclude with a roundtable Q&A session. The second part of the event will be a workshop session focusing on obtaining an understanding from local authorities on what tools and techniques they need to support them on their SLES journey.

Booking and More Information

Click here. This webinar is available for those who work for a Local Authority, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) or Local Energy Hub.

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