9th July, 2019
09:00 – 13:00
Aceon Group, Unit 9B Stafford Park, Telford, TF3 3BJ
The event
Looking to reduce your company’s impact on the environment and not sure where to start?
Want simple tools and tips you can take away and apply to your business today?
This fully funded workshop is perfect for new starters in the waste and resources industry, waste producers, manufacturers or designers looking for an introduction to the key aspects of waste and resource management.
The event is being delivered at Aceon Group, Unit 9B Stafford Park, Telford, TF3 3BJ by Professor Julieanna Powell-Turner, Research Director for CREST at University Centre Shrewsbury.
CREST@UCS will set the scene for waste and resource management; and will include, recycling, reuse and remanufacture, resource streams, value from resources, workforce awareness and in house waste analysis. It will introduce the concept of circular economy and explore the various aspects of the waste hierarchy, which are brought to life through a series of short activities.
Booking and further information
If you would like to register for the event, please click here, or for more details contact