27-28 November 2018
08:30-17:30 (27th) followed by gala dinner
08:30-16:30 (28th)
Cranmore Park, Cranmore Avenue, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4LF
Ascent Events
The event
Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation 2018 (UHEI 2018) has a comprehensive conference agenda addressing some of the key issues facing the university and healthcare sectors. Uniquely, the conference addresses each issue from a university perspective, and then from a healthcare perspective – allowing delegates to gain insight into both areas.
UHEI works in partnership with the further education and healthcare sectors to develop a compelling agenda and a unique forum that brings together the Estate Directors of the NHS & universities to encourage the sharing of best-practice. The conference is supported by an exhibition featuring the leading providers to both sectors.
SWM are exhibiting at UHEI 2018 so please come and speak to us!
Booking and further information
For more information, click
For the conference
programme, click here.
For booking, click
To register for FREE please click here, the free tickets are extremely limited so register today to avoid disappointment. And use code FREESWM in the complimentary ticket code box.