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Vehicle To Grid Workshop – 6/2/19


6 February 2019


09:00 – 16:00


Trent Vineyard Conference Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2PX



The event

The smart integration of electric vehicles into the grid has the potential to radically change the energy landscape. Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology will play a key role in the transition from centralised generation to more energy self-sufficient cities and communities. The aggregation of large numbers of EV’s, with grid connectivity, may also help play a key role in managing variable power demands and supporting grid stability. This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of current developments in V2G and will focus on four themes covering:-
  • The role of V2G
  • Recent market developments and opportunities,
  • Hardware
  • Installing and operating V2G in the real world.
Each theme will include a training presentation from Cenex supported by a series of industry presentations. The introductory delegate fee of only £95 includes: –
  • Presentation content.
  • CPD Certificate
  • Lunch, drinks and refreshments.
  • Free car parking.
Exhibition display areas are available in the main conference hall. Sponsorship packages also available.

Booking and further information

Visit the Eventbrite page for further information and to book.

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