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Weathering the Storm – Extreme Weather Events and Business Continuity Planning – Solihull event


22 February 2012


Environment Agency Offices, Solihull


Sustainability West Midlands, in association with: Environment Agency, DEFRA and UKCIP.

Target Audience

The workshop is targeted primarily at small to medium sized businesses and social enterprises from across the West Midlands, however larger businesses that have not yet considered these issues may also attend.

The event itself

Have you considered how the climate and extreme weather will impact on your business?

The changing climate has the potential for wide ranging effects on your business, some of which may be positive while many others could result in unexpected costs, business interruption or loss of reputation. Many businesses are already affected by natural weather variability and could benefit from more systematic planning.

Using the UKCIP Business Areas Climate Assessment Tool (BACLIAT) this interactive workshop will help delegates to determine their vulnerability to climate impacts and severe weather, consider adaptation options, and identify any potential emerging business opportunities.

Delegates attending the workshop will leave with a greater understanding of how a changing climate and extreme weather may impact on their business and how they can respond. Each delegate will leave the event with a bespoke climate scoping report relevant to their business.


9.45am: Coffee and registration

10.00am: Introduction and overview of climate change and extreme weather (John Barraclough, SWM)

10.15am: Main workshop activity (Megan Gawith, UKCIP with support from John Barraclough, SWM)

Activity A: Assessing past weather events

This activity draws on delegate experiences and recollections to generate a catalogue of

recent past weather consequences.

Activity B: Business areas and future climate

The objective of this activity is to draw upon delegate knowledge to brainstorm potential

future impacts of climate change on a business or sector.

Activity C: Identifying adaptation options

The objective of this workshop is to draw upon delegate knowledge and skills to generate a

range of possible ways in which you could adapt to your priority risk areas.

Activity D: Identifying business opportunities

The objective of this activity is to draw upon delegate knowledge and skills to think

creatively about the business opportunities that may already exist or could arise in relation

to weather or changing climate.

12.45pm: Summary (John Barraclough, Sustainability West Midlands)

 1.00pm: Close

How do you attend this event?

These events are free to attend, however you will need to book your place by emailing your name, organisation, job title, contact details and any access requirements to Sian Thomas at sian.thomas@swm.org.uk or contact 0121 237 5890.

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