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WEBINAR: Medilink Midlands – All things Membership Rewards and Business Awards!


17 January 2024


10:00 – 11:00




Medilink Midlands

webinar MMJan

The Event

Open to all, this online event will provide an overview of the Medilink Midlands member benefits and tips and hints on completing an application for their 2024 Medilink Midlands Business Awards.

Firstly, Partner and Relationship Manager, Jo Bekis will guide you through the current member benefits, this will be beneficial for current members who want to make sure they are getting the most out of their membership and for any non-members who are interesting in finding out about the different levels of membership and what is included.

You will then be joined by Senior Innovation Adviser, Victoria Patel. Victoria will talk about the upcoming Business Awards and detail all the hints and tips you need to complete an excellent application.

There are 8 different categories to apply for, the deadline to apply is 21 March – full details are available online here.

This webinar is set to be informative and valuable for members and non, so join them for one hour and walk away armed with all the details you need to maximise your membership or complete a glowing award application!

The webinar will provide the opportunity for you to ask questions to Jo and Victoria, so sign up now and get your questions answered.

Please contact info@medilinkmidlands.com if you have any questions.


Sound good? Register your place.

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