17 October 2013
9.30am – 1.15pm – lunch will be provided.
Sustainability West Midlands, European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI), Coventry University Enterprises (CUE Ltd)
EBRI, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
The event
This exciting event is especially relevant for businesses in the bioenergy sector as we will hear from the European Bioenergy Research Institute about the support available through the Bioenergy Support Network, and visit the brand new PyroformerTM Gasifier Plant and laboratories at the Aston University campus.
We will also hear about the grant funding opportunities available via Eco Business West Midlands and how resource efficiency can make businesses more competitive.
How to book and contact information
This is a free event aimed at business members of local green business clubs. Please note that places are limited due to the capacity of the venue.
To enquire about a place please contact Anna Bright at Sustainability West Midlands on or 0121 237 5890. Please advise of any access requirements.