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whg Challenge Event


10 March 2023


10:00 – 15:00


The Hub, Littleton Street West, Walsall WS2 8ES


EnTRESS (Environmental Technologies & Resource Efficiency Support Service)

whg Challenge Event EnTRESS

The Event

• How can being smarter about how we make, use and dispose of things make a difference to how strong our communities are?

• When every penny has to be accounted for, how can low income households be more environmentally sustainable?

• What infrastructure can housing associations, councils and other organisations support and/or put in place to enable communities to be more resilient and as a consequence more environmentally sustainable?

EnTRESS, at the University of Wolverhampton, is hosting an event with Walsall Housing Group (whg) exploring how circular economy practices can build community resilience, with a particular focus on waste/resource management and community initiatives including kindness/reuse shops, repair cafes, community gardens and libraries of things.

Join them to find out more about opportunities and solutions to address your community challenges. Hear about the benefits of circular economy principles and practices at a community level; presenters include Frontier Economics and Thirteen Housing Group. There will be a networking lunch and a number of exhibitors at the event from the resource management, community and sustainability sectors to stimulate further discussions and knowledge exchange.

The event is targeted in particular at housing associations, councils, resource management providers and community groups. There will be a number of exhibitors at the event from the resource management, community and sustainability sectors to stimulate further discussions and knowledge exchange.


10:00-10:30 Registration, refreshments, networking & exhibition

Introductory Presentations

10.30-10:35 Welcome & introductions – Andrew Stott, EnTRESS Project Manager

10:35-10:45 Our Challenge – Robert Gilham, Corporate Director for Business Strategy & Assets, whg

10:45-11:00 What is the Circular Economy? – Debbie Ward, EnTRESS

Keynote Speakers

11:00-11:20 Summary of findings from their ‘rapid evidence review of community initiatives to support levelling up’ – Kat Deyes, Frontier Economics

11.20-11:30 Q&A

11:30-11:50 Overview of Thirteen’s initiatives to maximise resources and strengthen community resilience – Angela Corner and Helen Beaman, Thirteen Housing Group

11.50-12:00 Q&A

Exhibition, Networking & Lunch

12.00-13:00 Exhibition & Networking

13:00-13:45 Lunch

13:45-15:00 Exhibition & Networking

15:00 Event close

*Please note that this is a joint event and your data will be shared with whg. Please email: EnTRESS@wlv.ac.uk if you have any questions.

Event image


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