25 November 2020
Women in Sustainability Network
The Event
Is it possible to achieve Gender Balance in Public Speaking panels? Or are we destined to see Manels (panels made up of men) forever? Manels are often seen at conferences, events, seminars, webinars and many virtual events. Even in 2020, Manels are still regularly visible! So:
- How can we get more women on panels to achieve gender balanced representation?
- How can WE ensure that female perspectives are presented ?
- What effective action can be taken to avoid Manels and work towards a 50/50 gender split in visible places such as conferences and virtual events, boards, high profile events and smaller scale local opportunities?
- Do we change women or do we change the environment?
Getting more women on panels is a hot topic across the resources and waste management sector and so this event partners with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) to amplify the discussion and consider the questions above.
Women from all areas of sustainability are welcome to attend this virtual event to explore the challenges, opportunities and solutions to a topic that affects many sustainability sectors.
For more information and booking, please
click here.