The One Public Estate (OPE) programme is a partnership between the Office of Government Property in Cabinet Office, the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). Their joint aim is to bring public sector bodies together, to create better places by using public assets more efficiently, creating service and financial benefits for partners and releasing land for housing and development. The eighth round of funding is now open for applications with £10 million OPE revenue grants for public sector land and property projects, including £2 million of sustainable grant funding available. Proposals must describe how the project supports the delivery of major service transformation, release of land for housing and/or economic growth priorities across the partnership area. Submissions must also describe how the project contributes to both strategic government priorities including net zero carbon and economic recovery. For more information, please visit the website or contact Mike Harries at mike.harries@local.gov.uk or 07867 189156 (West Midlands Regional OPE Contact). The deadline for applications is 12 November 2020.