The Net Zero Grant Programme (NZGP) has launched, and funding round 4 is now open, so submit your application form before the closing date of 26 July 2023* to be considered.

NZGP is open to Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) from all sectors** which are based within, or relocating into the Birmingham City Council local authority area.
Prior to applying for NZGP, all applicants must have undertaken a free energy audit/diagnostic/on-site carbon reduction survey prior to submission of an application. Please note that Birmingham City Council are currently awaiting confirmation of the energy diagnostic survey provider and will update this webpage with contact details as soon as they are available.
Businesses from all sectors are eligible for consideration, except for charities, those of a political or religious persuasion, activities involving pornography or clairvoyance and any business activity that is illegal or deemed as unsuitable for public support by Birmingham City Council.
Training and skills development are also ineligible as provision for these activities will be supported via alternative funding routes.
Who grant support is available for
NZGP will aim at removing financial barriers and enable small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to make carbon savings through increased energy and resource efficiency.
The NZGP fund will provide:
- Grants of between £2,500 and £7,500 for start-ups
- Grants of between £5,000 and £100,000*** for existing businesses
The capital grants will support businesses to purchase assets that will help them to become more efficient and cost effective. Grants will cover energy/resource efficiency improvements to business premises. Examples include:
- Ventilation (fans, distribution, destratification fans)
- Heating (replacement boilers, burners, heat pumps)
- Renewable technologies
- Lighting (LED, controls, sensors)
- Refrigeration
- Compressors
- Insulation
- Recycling and waste (compactors, balers and crushers)
- Water management
Intervention rate will be up to 50%.
Subsidy (ex “De Minimis”) regulations will now be used for grant funds, as well as non-financial support, to give a consistent intervention rate across the region.
You are allowed up to £335,000 (subject to exchange rates) in Small Amounts of Financial Assistance over any rolling period of 3 financial years.
Prior to submitting your application, all applicants must undertake a free energy audit/diagnostic/on-site carbon reduction survey prior to submission of a NZGP application.
All the documents needed to apply for a grant are available now, but it is strongly recommended that you check the eligibility criteria on the downloads section of this website to ensure that you qualify for consideration before arranging an energy audit.
Download the NZGP criteria, application, guidance notes and processes
Grant funding is limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.
Up to 50% of NZGP project costs can be awarded, at the discretion of Birmingham City Council.
They reserve the right to close a funding round early if they receive a substantial amount of grant applications.
They will be extending the programme to include businesses based in Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council shortly. Further details will be published on our website. You can email the WMGP team to register your interest.
If you are not eligible for this grant
Birmingham City Council also provide the West Midlands SME Grant Programme (WMGP), which you might be able to access.
* Funding round 5 will open 31 July 2023.
**Birmingham based businesses from all sectors are eligible for consideration.
***It is anticipated that most applications will apply for an average grant of between £10,000 to £20,000 and only in exceptional circumstances will grants of up to £100,000 be awarded. This is to ensure that the limited WMGP budget is accessed by as many businesses as possible.