Phase 3 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme(PSDS)

For Phase 3 the focus remains on the decarbonisation of heat which helps the UK to meet its Carbon Budgets and Net Zero commitments through the implementation of energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures in buildings across the public sector. The scheme has a set of conditions that are designed to ensure that the policy direction, required by Government, delivers on the agenda for the decarbonisation of heat. It aims to help the public sector keep on track to deliver its share of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Carbon Budgets. Phase 3 of the PSDS now includes funding that is available, how that funding is delivered, and the introduction of multi-year settlements. The total amount of funding available for Phase 3 PSDS will not be confirmed until after this year’s Spending Review. Therefore, there is no guarantee of any funding until the outcome of the Spending Review is confirmed and applications are submitted at the risk of the Applicant. Applications will be assessed, and funding awarded to eligible projects, in the order in which applications are received. Grant offers will only be made after the total funding for the Phase 3 PSDS is confirmed. Phase 3 of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme opened for applications at 2pm on Wednesday 6th October 2021 and will close at 2pm on Wednesday 3rd November 2021. For more information and how to apply, click here.

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