Sustainable Futures Studentship Scheme – Call for Proposals

The UK has committed to a “net zero” carbon target by 2050. This means emissions from homes, transport, farming and industry will have to be avoided completely or – in the most difficult examples – offset. These targets can only be achieved if radical new low carbon ways of conducting business, leisure and healthcare activities can be devised and implemented at scale. The energy mix associated with electricity generation and how we heat our homes, offices and produce and transport goods and food will all have to undergo significant changes. The University of Chester wishes to attract the best minds to undertake research into these challenges in any discipline and is offering part (50%) funded studentships (Home Fees and UKRI level Stipend) for Postgraduate research students to undertake a one year MRes or three year PhD programme. It is hoped that industry, commerce, charities or other organisations will partner with the university and the PGR student to make up the remainder (the other half) of the studentship for the duration of the programme. Proposals from staff, supported by their Head of Department, should be submitted using the attached application  Application Form.  Full details can be found here.

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