The Forestry Commission, in collaboration with Defra, will be launching the Tree Production Innovation Fund (TPIF) in late July 2021. There will be £1 million in funding made available in 2021/2022 to encourage the development and adoption of new technologies and ways of working that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England. Public bodies will be required to partner with private sector third party organisations to be eligible for funding. Applicants will be invited to apply for up to £200K in grant funding to support projects that address one or more of the following challenges identified through stakeholder engagement as barriers to tree production:
How can we make better use of available seed and vegetative planting material to maximise the quantity, quality and diversity of trees produced?
How can we develop growing systems to enhance their efficiency and resilience to change, whilst delivering improved quality and diversity of product? This challenge can include activities to promote biosecurity.
How can innovative environmentally sustainable weed control solutions be used to reduce reliance on herbicides? Full details can be found here