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Castle Bromwich Hall and Gardens Trust

The Trust are a small independent charity (5.9FTE + volunteers) who own a Grade II*, 350 year old formal Gardens and manage the adjacent 20 acres of historic Parkland Nature Reserve on the edge of Solihull and East Birmingham.
Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens

The 40+ acres have survived as a municipal conservation area and highly protected landscape- but the whole area is largely hidden: surrounded by industrial landscapes, fast roads and some of the most multiply deprived communities in the country.

The Gardens recognise the immense value of the green space for nature and people and are working hard to sustain, maintain and support both the substantial historic and environmental assets. With no core funding the Trust has to raise all its income from project funding, hire, café/entry fees.

The walled gardens opens to the public for over 250 days a year and the Parkland is a public space. They run year round programmes of cultural and nature based events and activities and events for adults, families, schools and other groups.

The Trust runs on generally on organic lines and although not a ‘demonstration site’ they aspire to lead by example on horticultural and on zero carbon practices – they acknowledge they have a long way to go.

Although restoring these nationally important historic gardens is their core responsibility, they understand that their patch of green and the wild in the inner city is a rare asset for people and their charitable mission also includes sharing it by creating accessible events and activities and an inclusive welcome.

On their membership with SWM, they say:

“We have worked informally and formally with SWM and value their insights, information and detailed support.”

Our primary contact is Glynis Powell, General Manager.