Keele University is a research focused university with 10,000 students, 2,000 employees and a turnover of approximately £125 million.

The university is located on a 600 acre campus to the east of Newcastle under Lyme. The university has 3 faculties, humanities & social science, medicine & health sciences and natural sciences, providing undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It also maintains an science park which is home to a number of innovative businesses.
The university is committed to environmental and economic sustainability and is one of the leading universities in the UK when considering their activities and ambition around sustainability. This is demonstrated by their Green Keele initiative. Furthermore, sustainability is one of the University’s key strategic aims:
“Keele University Strategic AIM 5: To promote environmental sustainability in all that we do
- Continue to improve the environmental sustainability of the University through campus developments, carbon reduction and the impact of University operations
- Have world-leading research in environmental sustainability
- Educate our students on environmental issues and provide opportunities for them to put strategies into practice
- Provide leadership in application and implementation of environmental sustainability
- Be sector-leading in environmental education and engagement with business, external organisations and communities”
SWM is delighted that Keele University became a member in 2018 and we have since helped to promote their fantastic activities, including their zero waste shop and the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator.
Our contacts at the university are Zoe Robinson, Director of Education for Sustainability and Paul Hodgkinson, Head of Local Growth.